Sensor: LUXIMA, LUX2100
Frame rate: 581fps
Optical format: 4/3"
Lens mount: M42 and C-Mount
Sensor Resolution: 1952 x 1080
Pixel size: 10μm x 10μm
I/O Input: 4x Isolated inputs or shaft encoder A, B, Z, Y interface (RS422, TTL, D-HTL, HTL)
I/O Output: 3x Isolated outputs (2x open drain, 1x TTL highspeed)
Dimensions: 59 x 59 x 106.7 mm3




用户手册 Revision Doc-ID
1.3 MAN085
1.3 MAN089
软件 Version

This installer contains

Link: Changelog
Supported Operating Systems:
- Win8, Win10
GigE Cameras:
- PFSDK and PFViewer (GUI) with Doublerate support
- SDK examples and documentation
- C# and Python (2.7, 3.x) wrappers
- Support of polarized Cameras
3D Cameras:
- PF3DLib and PFViewer (GUI)
- SDK examples


This installer contains

Supported Operating Systems:
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, 20.4 LTS, 22.04 LTS
GigE Cameras:
- SDK examples and documentation

3D Data Revision Doc-ID

我们可用于标准和单独的 OEM 相机模块。
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Product Preview

Cable GigE, MV0/MV3/MV4/MV8, x-coded

高性能10GigE电缆线 , 适用于所有Photonfocus MV0/MV3/MV4/MV8 GigE 相机

Product Preview

Cable P/T/S MV4/MV8, Phoenix, 17 pin

相机电源/触发/选通电缆,带M12 17针连接器(MV4)

Product Preview

Wall adapter, MV4/MV8, Phoenix, 17 pin, 12V

相机电源线,带M12 17针连接器,12VDC,30W (MV4)