

Increasingly, the digitalized agriculture and forestry industry relies on visual systems. For example, the use of drones with hyperspectral cameras enables the detection of parasite infestation, plant diseases, or the assessment of the degree of maturity of the crop. Our sensors do what the human eye cannot see and assist the agriculture industry on the way to more efficient solutions that are future-proof.


Application examples

Smart monitoring

Intelligent solutions for agriculture provide information on the condition of agricultural land and the quality and quantity of the crops. Embedded vision systems with high-resolution sensors provide the data for selective treatment and the sparing use of fertilizers – and thus higher profitability and a greater yield.
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Recognizing the environment and soil structures

Embedded vision systems with hyperspectral sensors deliver information on the structure and condition of the environment and the soil that is invisible to the naked eye. As such, they detect and monitor the development of compaction and erosion, as well as chemical and biological stress over time.
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Measuring soil moisture and water content

If the content of water, nitrogen or leaf pigments in the soil and plants can be measured, the amount of nutrients used can be optimized. The result is efficient production with a maximum yield. Intelligent embedded vision systems from Photonfocus provide the perfect basis for such innovative applications in agriculture.
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Detecting ripeness

Intelligent harvesting machinery and monitoring systems for agriculture detect the ripeness of fruit and vegetables, and in doing so enable the automation and optimum planning of the yield. Embedded vision systems with high-resolution HSI sensors are used for this.
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